Saturday, March 31, 2012

Almost there

Hey Y'all!

 I thought I would check in and give you an update on Paint the Movement. If you haven't seen the video or the site yet or are just in the mood for some mj and adorable kids, check it out

We launched the site on leap day, February 29th, and in just under a month have raised 71% of the funds. The support we have been getting has been absolutely amazing. People have been sending out emails to their friends and family, putting us on their blogs, talking about us on facebook and its working! We are getting wonderful messages of support and donations from people we didn't know but are now part of the paint the movement family. And getting an astounding amount of love from those that have been putting up with us for years. It actually feels like we are going to be able to do this. I'm looking at flights!!! (sorry for the amount of exclamations in this note but this is too awesome. and for those of you that don't know-I get a huge rush off of buying plane tickets) The more we work on the project and planning the actual week long learning event, the more excited I get. I know I have a slightly biased view but Paint the Movement is going to rock our faces off and have the potential to be better than any of us thought posible. I just can't wait til we are with the kids and teachers painting up a storm! And who doesn't love talking about practical but creative ways to teach and grow. I know I'm a dork but for real.

 We gave ourselves two months to raise the money and were able to raise 50% in the first two weeks. We now have only 2,500 to go. The rate of our donations has slowed down but that is to be expected. We need to reach beyond our immediate network and keep spreading the love. So if you've thought about it but haven't yet, send it out. If you have, we love you and keep it up.

Sending love and joy (and hopefully a post soon saying we made it!)